Eyes and Sleep: A Two-Way Link
Insufficient sleep can affect the mind and body like alcohol, but what does it do to our eyes?
Insufficient sleep can affect the mind and body like alcohol, but what does it do to our eyes?
As we age, our eyes go through various changes, and one common condition that affects millions of people worldwide is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). At , we are committed to helping our patients understand this condition and providing the best possible care. In this post, we will delve into the details of AMD, its types, […]
The older we get, the more our eyesight tends to change.
How often should you be getting an eye exam, considering your eye health history?
Although the exact statistics are mixed, there is a general consensus that an individual’s exposure to screens has dramatically increased over the last few years due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Our jobs are all about keeping human eyes healthy and making sure our patients see clearly.
As parents, we want to ensure that our children have the best possible start in their education.
In our common day-to-day activities, we tend to use water as a cleaning agent — cleaning veggies for cooking, showering after a workout, washing our hands after playing outside, etc. However, this common cleaning practice is not created equal when it comes to cleaning and handling your contact lenses.
Do you know why people say carrots will give you good night vision?
New to wearing glasses? They’re going to change your life in some not-so-obvious ways.